7 Myths That Are Popular Among Gen Z

Although vaping hasn’t replaced smoking entirely, it has all chances to do so in the future. Research shows young adults (people aged 18-24 years old) are more likely to use vapes rather than tobacco cigarettes. Plus, some tobacco smokers consider shifting to vaping, too. Now everyone, however, understands the difference between smoking cigarettes and vaping right.

7 Vaping Myths

1. Myth: Using Vapes Is Just as Harmful as Smoking

It is one of the biggest misconceptions. Vaping is not entirely risk-free, but it’s significantly less harmful than smoking traditional cigarettes. 

How so? The main reason is that vaping doesn’t involve combustion, which is when the harmful toxins in cigarette smoke are produced. However, it still can cause harm by introducing chemicals into your body. Solution? Stay informed about any potential dangers and use quality products.

2. Myth: Using Vapes Doesn’t Help You Quit Smoking

Indeed, e-cigarettes are not yet FDA-approved as smoking cessation tools. However, let’s speak facts: many smokers have successfully quit or reduced their cigarette consumption. But don’t get tricked by their success. Most of them used vapes as just one component of a broad, well-developed strategy. Besides, others switched to Delta-8 THC vapes, which helped them shift their focus and relax. If you’re considering quitting smoking, this kind can be one of the options to start.

3. Myth: Vaping Is as Expensive as Smoking

Yes, the initial costs of a vape device might seem high. However, we’re talking about the long-term here. For example, the average cost of a basic vape starter kit ranges from $20 to $50. You’ll say that’s a lot. Well, once you already have the device, the ongoing cost of e-liquids or cartridges is generally lower than the cost of buying packs of cigarettes regularly. Additionally, vapes can come in a disposable or a cart form, which can suit any budget.

4. Myth: Vaping Leads to Smoking

Ever heard of a tricky “gateway theory”? It suggests that using vapes directly leads to smoking cigarettes. However, it’s just that — a theory without any scientific evidence. Instead, studies show that most vapers are either current or former smokers who use vapes as a less-harmful smoking alternative.

5. Myth: Secondhand Vapor Is as Harmful as Secondhand Smoke

Ok, but what if you don’t vape? Vapors and smokers seem to be everywhere these days, so it’s almost impossible to avoid inhaling the smoke. However, the difference between their severance is also remarkable: secondhand vapor contains far fewer harmful substances than secondhand smoke from traditional cigarettes. Again, it’s not entirely risk-free. However, it surely entails much less danger.

6. Myth: Using Vapes Causes Popcorn Lung

Popcorn lung, called bronchiolitis obliterans in the scientific space, is a severe disease caused by inhaling diacetyl. If you’re deep into the topic, you probably know that the substance was once found in some e-liquids. However, the vast majority of manufacturers have removed diacetyl from their products. This way, the risk of popcorn lung development from vaping is quite low. However, it never equals zero.

7. Myth: All E-Liquids Contain Harmful Chemicals

Remember, we live in an age when market competition is immense. Now, manufacturers try to make their products as good as possible. The same goes for e-liquids. Reputable brands are transparent about their ingredients and avoid harmful additives. But sure, you must pay much attention to where these liquids come from.

Why Is Vaping So Immensely Popular These Days?

As we’ve already discussed, vaping has shown some groundbreaking statistics in recent years, with the number of users rising progressively. What are the reasons behind the trend?

  • First, using vapes is overall safer than traditional smoking, producing a convenient alternative for those who want to quit. 
  • Vapes come in a variety of flavors. From sour to sweet and even Delta-8 — anyone can choose something for themselves. 
  • They offer a way to enjoy nicotine without the stigma and health risks associated with smoking.

As with anything, staying informed and making responsible choices is crucial when using vapes. Of course, it has its risks, but it also offers benefits that many people find valuable​.

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